Club Rules

2011 saw several new tees put into operation. This means that the Gents have 18 different teeing positions and the ladies have 15 different teeing positions.

Visiting Ladies and juniors should use the blue tees, however, if a CONGU handicap is held Ladies may play from the red tees.
Gents (and juniors with handicaps) play from yellow tees unless a supplement is paid to play from the white tees.

Local Rules

Out of Bounds

Beyond the white stakes along the River Lochay. Beyond the boundary fences or walls. Over the wall dividing the 4th and 6th holes when playing these holes
Integral Parts of the Course

The rock outcrop on the 9th fairway, bridges, steps, walls and all paths and roadways except as defined as immovable obstructions. NB: Ball must be played as it lies or be deemed unplayable

Protected Areas

Relief must be taken by dropping without penalty when a ball is on G.U.R.

Immovable Obstructions

Roadway from Clubhouse to rear of 2nd green and the branch road up to the 6th green.
The open ditch on the 2nd /11th fairway.
The artificial path by the 6th /15th green.
A ball landing on the 7th tee when playing the 6th / 15th hole, must be lifted and dropped directly in front of the 7th tee Any gravel drain.
Staked trees and guarded tees.
Club golf greens.
Course signs and fixed seats. Internal fence posts and chains. Felled timber awaiting removal. Course machinery and equipment. Building and fixed constructions. Sprinkler head covers.
NB: Ball may be dropped without penalty under rule 16.1

Ball striking power line

If a ball strikes the power line during play of the 10th Hole, the stroke is cancelled and the player must play a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was played in accordance with Rule 14.6.

Moveable Obstructions

Marker posts. Free standing gates. Litter bins and tee markers.
NB: Relief available under Rule 15.2

Additional or Temporary Local Rules

Check the notice board outside the clubhouse

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